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How Breast Asymmetry Correction Can Help Uneven Breasts

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Breasts, as many people would say, are sisters. They aren’t twins. They are naturally asymmetrical, meaning they come in various shapes and sizes. The two sides aren’t always equal. Sometimes, they can even be different by a cup size — although some women only have slight differences that are easier to brush aside.

Regardless of how common breast asymmetry is and how many women have the same concern, it is perfectly normal to want to even them out through breast reduction or breast implants. It’s only a matter of which is more suitable for you.

Let’s learn more about the three factors in choosing breast implants so you can prepare for the procedure, research payment plans for plastic surgery, get a quote for plastic surgery cost, and secure cosmetic surgery financing in Canada.

Table of Contents

Why Breast Asymmetry Happens

How To Resolve Breast Asymmetry

Who Is the Ideal Candidate for Breast Implants?

What Type of Financing Covers the Cost of Breast Implants?

Address Breast Asymmetry With Beautifi

Why Breast Asymmetry Happens

It’s normal for one breast to look bigger than the other as girls hit puberty and the body develops with age. While they may even out over time, if they don’t look the same by the end of puberty, they’ll most likely retain the same appearance for life. This is normal, though, since one in four women have asymmetrical breasts.

But what exactly causes breast asymmetry?

● Puberty and age

●  Juvenile hypertrophy

● Pregnancy and breastfeeding

● Hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycles

● Birth control pills and hormonal contraception

Hormonal changes might cause temporary breast asymmetry. For example, ovulation might make breasts look bigger, fuller, and more sensitive because of the increased blood flow and water retention. This is likely to subside after your menstrual cycle.

Some assume that uneven breast shapes and sizes might be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. However, it’s worth noting that the difference lies in the fat layers found in each breast and not the actual breast tissue. Nevertheless, it’s essential to perform regular breast self-checks so you can address any health problems early on.

How To Resolve Breast Asymmetry

Uneven breast size does not automatically require medical attention. Size differences are often due to the varying fat layers underneath the skin. However, if you want to improve the cosmetic aspect of your breasts, you may opt for breast reduction or breast implants.

Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery that removes some breast tissue to modify breast size and achieve your desired symmetry. On the other hand, breast implants are filled with saline and inserted into the body to even out the appearance of your breasts. 

The safest option depends on your desired outcome and your breasts’ existing shape and size. It’s best to discuss the matter at length with your plastic surgeon. They will also lay out all risks and benefits of the procedure to manage your expectations.

If you opt for implants, consider these three factors in choosing breast implants:

Preferred Breast Size

Some people interested in breast implants want bigger, more even breasts. However, it’s always best to consider your body shape and type before choosing your preferred breast size.

● If you have a petite figure or a lean person with naturally small breasts, avoid large implants. They might feel heavy and will not look natural.

● If you have a muscular build, it’s generally okay to have larger implants. However, more petite women might suffer from back pain if their breast implants are too big.

● It’s always best to ask your plastic surgeon for their opinion on the correct size.

On another note, if you’re pregnant, you’ll need to take that into account as well. Breasts naturally grow larger during pregnancy because of hormonal changes. So, it’s best to schedule breast implants when you have no plans of getting pregnant, and your breast size isn’t likely to change.

Implant Material

Once your cosmetic surgeon deems you a qualified candidate for breast implants, you have to choose carefully between saline and silicone breast implants. Each material has its pros and cons. The right choice will depend on your unique preferences and goals.

Here are some things to keep in mind about breast implant materials:

● Saline implants are salt water-filled shells that generally entail smaller incisions than their silicone alternatives. They are customizable based on the individual, generally safe, and risk-free should they rupture.

● Silicone implants look smoother and more natural. They are less prone to rippling, unlike their saline counterparts. They also come in various shapes and sizes. However, ruptured silicone implants might cause health complications.

Breast Profile

Your choice of breast implants shouldn’t just depend on their shape and size. You also must consider their profile and how they will project forward and sideways from your chest. A higher implant profile creates a more prominent appearance.

Here are some considerations for your breast implant profile:

● Existing body shape and size

● Natural width of your breasts

● Targeted breast appearance

Who Is the Ideal Candidate for Breast Implants?

Your cosmetic surgeon will determine whether breast implants are a suitable option for you. This decision usually depends on the following:

● Your existing body shape and size

● Your natural breast shape and size

● Your current age and lifestyle

The surgeon will want to ensure that your breasts look as natural as possible after your procedure. They will thus discuss the most suitable implants for your frame. They will also consider your body shape. For example, while leaner women might not be comfortable with large implants, curvier women might find them ideal.

Moreover, your age and lifestyle are major deciding factors for whether you qualify for breast implants because they affect the longevity of your implants. 

Your cosmetic surgeon will want to check whether your skin and breast tissue are strong enough to support your preferred implant size. Your usual daily activities will also help determine the most suitable breast implant shape and size.

What Type of Financing Covers the Cost of Breast Implants?

Once your cosmetic surgeon confirms that you are a suitable candidate for breast implants, your next move would be to research different types of plastic surgery loan options and breast implant financing in Canada

It’s not any different from financing a nose jobfinancing liposuction, getting finance for tummy tuck, or other types of cosmetic surgery financing in Canada. You simply have to look for plastic surgeons that offer financing, explore your payment methods, then determine how you will pay for the breast implants based on what works for you.

The right provider ensures you have flexible cosmetic surgery loan options and that you secure a suitable payment plan for cosmetic surgery based on your requirements. 

Beautifi helps you find the best plastic surgery loans in Canada that you qualify for.

Address Breast Asymmetry With Beautifi

Beautifi is on a mission to make beauty more accessible and affordable. Here, you’ll find the best and most flexible way to finance breast implants and other cosmetic surgeries.

Discuss your preferred breast size and shape with your cosmetic surgeon so you can set your expectations and get a quote for your plastic surgery cost. Then, get in touch with Beautifi so you can enjoy plastic surgery financing for cosmetic procedures that are not typically covered by healthcare plans. 

Alternatively, we can help you find a reputable cosmetic surgeon and answer all your concerns about breast implants and the best cosmetic surgery financing options. We can also walk you through the process of plastic surgery financing in Canada.

At Beautifi, you can secure over $25,000 in plastic surgery loans without any downpayment. Contact us to discover how cosmetic procedure financing works, and begin your online application process today!