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Breast Implant Surgery 101: Expert Insights from Dr. Ian MacArthur

If you’re considering breast implant surgery or just curious about it, you might have noticed that the internet is full of conflicting information. That’s why we’ve partnered with Dr. Ian MacArthur, an Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director of New Age Medical Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery in Ottawa.

In this exclusive collaboration, Dr. MacArthur sheds light on selecting the right implant size and what you can expect during surgery to dispelling the myths that have long clouded the truth about breast implants. With his unparalleled expertise, Dr. MacArthur demystifies the process, ensuring your breast implant journey is as informed as it is transformative. Whether you’re curious about the surgical process, skeptical of the myths, or have questions about the impact on everything from aesthetics to breastfeeding, this blog has everything you need to know.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Breast Implants

Personalized Approach to Implant Selection

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

What to Expect During Breast Implant Surgery

Post-Surgery Recovery

Dispelling Common Myths About Breast Implants

Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

Financing Your Breast Implant Surgery with Beautifi


Introduction to Breast Implant Surgery

Breast implant surgery is a safe and effective cosmetic surgery that increases size, enhances projection, balances symmetry, and improves breast shape. “Breast implants were invented in the 1960s. There are minimal risks in the vast majority of patients,” Dr. Ian MacArthur notes, highlighting the procedure’s long-standing history and its continual improvement over the years. The evolution of breast implants has led to a variety of implant types and surgical techniques, allowing for personalized treatment plans that cater to the unique needs and aesthetic goals of each patient.

Personalized Approach to Implant Selection

Breast augmentation with implants involves careful planning and discussion between the surgeon and patient, considering factors such as body type, desired outcome, and the most suitable type of implant. Whether it’s achieving a more youthful appearance, correcting asymmetry, or restoring volume lost due to weight changes or childbirth, breast implants are not a “one size fits all operation” explains Dr. MacArthur. “We can’t just put any size of breast implant into any patient. We take precise measurements of a patient’s existing anatomy… That will give us a range of safe implant sizes that we can use.”

“Whatever plastic surgeon you see has no incentive to put in something smaller than what you want, but they do have incentive to try and do the operation as safe as possible while still providing an excellent cosmetic result.”

Dr. MacArthur

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

How are the right size implants selected for each patient?

When it comes to selecting implants, Dr. MacArthur provides insight into his process: “The main way is to look at something called the ‘foot plate’ of the breast… We’re trying to match the base of the breast to the base diameter of the implant.” This meticulous method ensures implants complement the patient’s natural anatomy, enhancing aesthetics while minimizing risks.

For those wondering about going larger, Dr. MacArthur advises caution: “The vast majority of patients are very happy with the size that they are after surgery.” He warns that choosing an implant too large for the natural base diameter can increase the risk of complications.

“You can always go a little bit smaller, but the further you go bigger beyond the base diameter your complication rate is going to go up.”

Dr. MacArthur

He also encourages patients to bring inspiration photos to their consultations, saying, “I often find it helpful when patients come in if they can bring photos of the type of result they want. Believe me, there are times when people tell me they want something, and they show me a picture and it’s totally different.”

What to Expect During Breast Implant Surgery

Describing the surgery itself, Dr. MacArthur sets clear expectations: “This operation requires a general anesthetic, meaning you’re fully put to sleep with an anesthesiologist looking after you. It takes me about an hour, and when patients wake up there’s a bandage on their chest.” He notes that patients will be sent home with this bandage, which must stay on for a week.

Post-Surgery Recovery

On recovery, Dr. MacArthur shares, “Most people typically take a week off of work. Unless someone has a physically demanding job, a week is all you need.” He reassures that the recovery process “should not be a particularly painful one. Most people need prescription pain killers for a day.”

He emphasizes the importance of taking it easy post-surgery: “We want patients to focus on healing, recovering, taking time for themselves. I don’t want people trying to go back to their normal routine too quickly because that’s the kind of thing that can lead to a complication.”

“At 4 weeks after surgery, patients can do literally whatever they want in most cases”

Dr. MacArthur

Dispelling Common Myths About Breast Implants

Myth 1: I can get any size implants I want.

Answer: “As surgeons, we are picking implants that will look best for you and your body. There’s a certain point where if we go beyond this, you will have wound healing complications and we may not even be able to close the skin properly during surgery, so there’s definitely an upper limit with where we can go.”

“The problem is, if you try to put in something that is too big, you’re going to run into problems.”

Dr. MacArthur

Myth 2: Breast implants cause autoimmune diseases.

Answer: “This is something that was looked at in the early 1990s and there were some concerns that silicone implants were linked with autoimmune diseases. Those studies have all be disproven in the early 2000s. Silicone breast implants are used every day across the world. There’s absolutely no link with autoimmune diseases.”

“There’s absolutely no link with autoimmune diseases.”

Dr. MacArthur

Myth 3: My implants need to be changed every 10 years.

Answer: “This is incorrect. This is based on averages of time sensitive complications that can happen. The short answer is that you do not need to get your breast implants taken out ever if you do not have a problem with them.”

“Some people come and see me and they ask if their implants need to be changed out every 10 years, kind of like tires. No, they never need to be taken out unless there is a problem.”

Dr. MacArthur

Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

Addressing concerns about breastfeeding, Dr. MacArthur reassures, “Yes. Getting breast implants typically should not cause any problems with future breastfeeding.” The one caveat he mentions is the possibility of sensation changes to the nipple and that can impact your ability to breastfeed. “Those aren’t common… and having a simple breast augmentation with implants should really not cause any issues with that.” If you plan to have children and breastfeed in the future, Dr. MacArthur suggests discussing this at the time of consultation.

Financing Your Breast Implant Surgery with Beautifi

Embarking on the journey to enhance your appearance through breast implant surgery is an exciting decision. However, we understand that financial considerations can play a significant role in making this important choice. That’s where Beautifi comes in. We ensure that your path to body confidence is both achievable and affordable.

At Beautifi, we are committed to making sure that looking and feeling your absolute best doesn’t have to strain your finances. This is why our flexible financing options are designed with your needs in mind. Whether you’re looking for low monthly payments or competitive interest rates, Beautifi has monthly payment options that cater to your budget.

Contact us to find out how we can make your breast implant journey as smooth and stress-free as possible.


With the expert guidance of Dr. MacArthur, we hope to have dispelled any fears, clarified doubts and sparked excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead. It’s important to remember that the journey to choosing breast implants is unique to each individual, and it’s essential to proceed with a surgeon who respects, understands, and prioritizes your individual needs and safety.

If you’re interested in learning more about your breast implants, you can connect with Dr. MacArthur here. Dr. MacArthur and his team at New Age Medical Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery are ready to welcome you, answer your questions, and help you embark on a path that leads to the best version of yourself. Thank you to Dr. MacArthur for providing an extremely detailed overview of breast implants to make this article possible!