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What to Expect with a Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure that is carried out to improve the appearance of the eyelid area. Common reasons many get this surgery is to improve their facial symmetry or to appear less tired. 

It’s important to research any surgery beforehand so you know what to expect. This is a frequently performed surgery and improves the self-esteem of many patients. Here’s what you need to know about a blepharoplasty!

Table of Contents

What is a Blepharoplasty Procedure?


What Should You Expect in the Recovery Process?

Will It Be Painful?

Does Blepharoplasty Cause Bruising?

When Will You be Able To Wash Your Face?

Should You Take Time Off to Recover?

Will There be Any Scarring?

When are the Stitches Removed?

Will I Need Surgery Again?

How Can Beautifi Help?

What is a Blepharoplasty Procedure?

The main reason patients consider a blepharoplasty is to improve droopy eyelids, eye bags, or excess skin that interferes with your vision. The procedure can remove excess skin from your upper eyelid, making you look younger and more alert. This will also clear your vision too if needed. 

Often, patients undergo this procedure at the same time as other cosmetic surgeries. Common pairings are facelifts, brow lifts, and skin resurfacing. Some insurance providers may cover the cost of this surgery if your upper eyelid skin impairs your vision. If the surgery is for aesthetics only, insurance won’t cover it. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is nearly always for cosmetic reasons, so won’t be considered for insurance.

Patients report feeling more confident and youthful after this surgery, so whether you’re getting it for cosmetic reasons or not, get ready for a boost of self-esteem!


Once your blepharoplasty is complete, you might wake to slightly blurry vision. This is nothing to worry about and is common after the procedure. The blurry vision is caused by the antibiotic ointment that gets applied to the eye area to stop it from becoming dry. This process will be repeated for a week post-surgery four times a day.

You’ll also have to use eye drops to prevent your eye from becoming dry too. Ice packs are also advised to reduce swelling and patients are often advised to sleep in a sitting up position to avoid any pressure on their face. Swelling and fluid accumulation should be avoided in the healing process. 

What Should You Expect in the Recovery Process?

Here are some frequently asked questions about the post-surgery experience. Read through these to get a good idea of the healing experience of a blepharoplasty. 

Will It Be Painful?

With many surgeries, most patients worry about the pain after the procedure. Blepharoplasty is not a painful experience and the recovery process is relatively easy compared to other cosmetic surgeries. Your doctor will prescribe suitable painkillers to help manage pain post-surgery, these are usually given to the patient after the procedure. The majority of patients are able to walk around normally on the same evening or the next morning. 

Does Blepharoplasty Cause Bruising? 

It’s normal to experience moderate bruising and swelling after this surgery. The severity of bruising will be different for each patient and these tend to disappear after 1-2 weeks if you’ve undergone upper eyelid blepharoplasty. If you have had lower eyelid blepharoplasty, your bruising and swelling will take longer to subside. This takes between 2-4 weeks and depends on the patient. 

Facial bandages aren’t necessary for the recovery period, however, sometimes dressings are used over the eyes to help reduce swelling post-surgery. 

When Will You be Able To Wash Your Face?

This is one of the most common questions asked after blepharoplasty surgery. Most doctors recommend that you can take a bath or shower 1-2 days after, but your eye must be kept dry. After 3-7 days doctors recommend that the eye can be washed softly with water and non-irritating soap. When you towel dry you must pat lightly and avoid picking scabs. After 7 days sutures are removed and your usual facial washing can continue. Two cant-surgery you can wear makeup again if you are healed completely. 

Should You Take Time Off to Recover?

Another common question is “Do I need to take time off work after the surgery?’’. Even though the surgery isn’t major, you should still take some time off work to recover. If you’ve undergone upper lid surgery you usually need to take 7-10 days off, whereas lower lid surgery usually needs 10-14 days taken off. 

Will There be Any Scarring?

When you undergo a surgery that involves incisions, there will always be a scar, but the placement and surgery type will determine how visible this scar is. The eyelids are one of the easier places to heal and this leaves little scarring. 

Scarring on the lower eyelid can often be hidden by lashes and the upper eyelid scars can usually be hidden by creases in the skin. If there’s any visible scarring, it will only measure a few millimeters in length. Blepharoplasty scars are one of the smallest in terms of facial surgery and this shouldn’t put you off undergoing the procedure!

When are the Stitches Removed?

There are two different variations of stitches used in a blepharoplasty. The first are dissolvable sutures, these are used to glue the skin closed and don’t need to be taken out later. The other type of stitches used is removed after 7-10 days. If the area hasn’t healed fast enough, you may need to wait a little longer for these second stitches to be removed. 

Will I Need Surgery Again?

The results of blepharoplasty will offer a more youthful appearance, however, over time aging will still take place and your eyes may droop more. The surgery can slow this process and further surgery isn’t required, but if you want to have the procedure done again you can. Many patients have surgery more than once to achieve their desired results. 

How Can Beautifi Help?

Blepharoplasty is a great cosmetic surgery to consider if you’re feeling insecure about your eyelid skin, or if your vision is impaired by sagging skin. The process has a shorter healing time than other facial procedures and it’s not very painful. If you’re ready to have a more youthful appearance and more self-confidence, contact a doctor today for an initial consultation!

The Beautifi team is always here to help when choosing a surgeon or financially planning for a cosmetic procedure. Learn how our process works or fill out an application to start your procedure journey!