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Sun Damage Treatments

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Sun Damage Treatments Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Sun Damage Treatments

Sun damage is long-term and repeated exposure to sunlight, particularly ultraviolet light, can result in cosmetic and medical skin problems known as sun damage. Sun damage can affect any area of the skin, but most commonly affects the face, hands, and arms, resulting in premature aging with sunspots, skin laxity, wrinkles, dry scaly patches, and in some cases, skin cancer. Skin damage can be avoided by wearing sunscreen and avoiding excessive sun exposure, as well as by undergoing sun damage treatments.

Commonly asked questions about Sun Damage Treatments

Before undertaking any procedure, you will want to be confident in your knowledge. Find the details on Sun Damage Treatments here.

1. What are sun damage treatments?

Sun damage treatments can help with sun damage prevention, early signs of sun damage, and moderately sun-damaged skin. There are many different treatments available to help repair sun damage, and the method used to renew the skin will depend on the type of sun damage and the symptoms present. Treatments for sun damage can help to reduce the appearance of unwanted and uneven pigmentation, soften, and rejuvenate the skin, and promote new growth and texture.

2. Am I a good candidate for sun damage treatments?

Most individuals can benefit from sun damage treatments as we all have some degree of sun damage or “photo aging” on our skin. Sun damage treatments are ideal for people who want to reverse the signs of sun damage with regular treatments while also preventing further damage by strengthening the skin. It is critical to discuss with your preferred provider whether sun damage treatments are right for you and which treatment would best serve your desired goals.

3. What will happen if I don’t get treatment for sun damaged skin?

If you don’t get treatment for sun-damaged skin, several things can occur over time, but it’s important to note that the exact outcomes can vary greatly from person to person, and they depend on many factors such as the extent of the sun damage, your skin type, your overall health, and genetic factors. Here are some potential consequences:

  1. Premature Aging: Sun damage is a leading cause of premature skin aging. This can manifest as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. It can also cause changes in skin texture, making it rough and leathery.
  2. Hyperpigmentation: Also known as sun spots, age spots, or liver spots, hyperpigmentation is common in sun-damaged skin. These spots can vary in size and appear anywhere on the body that’s frequently exposed to the sun.
  3. Actinic Keratoses: These are small, rough, or scaly patches of skin that are precancerous. They can progress to squamous cell carcinoma if left untreated.
  4. Skin Cancer: Chronic sun exposure significantly increases the risk of skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Some of these cancers can be life-threatening if not detected and treated early.
  5. Telangiectasias: These are small, widened blood vessels on the skin. Sun exposure can lead to these, causing the appearance of thin red or purplish lines or patterns on the skin.

It’s essential to take preventive measures to protect your skin from the sun. This includes using sunscreen with an appropriate SPF, wearing protective clothing, avoiding the sun during peak hours, and regular skin checks for any changes or abnormalities. If you suspect you have sun damage, please consult with a dermatologist or a healthcare provider for professional advice.

4. What are the common treatments for sun damage?

Sun damage can be treated using a variety of methods, including non-surgical solutions, topical solutions, subdermal injectables, and pulsed light therapies. The type of treatment that is best for you will be determined by the extent of your sun damage. Some sun damage treatments include, but are not limited to:

  • Broadband Light Therapy (BBL) – Broadband Light, also known as Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL), refers to laser treatments that can treat sun damage, fine facial wrinkles, brown pigmentation, and/or scattered blood vessels. This treatment works by emitting a broad spectrum of light on the area being treated, allowing it to penetrate deeper tissues and improve the skin’s colour & texture.
  • Chemical Peels – This treatment helps to remove debris from facial skin without requiring a lengthy treatment or recovery period. Chemical peels are extremely versatile in treating a variety of issues such as sun damage, uneven skin tone, acne, and other conditions. All chemical peels are intended to gently remove the top layers of skin, revealing fresh, new skin cells beneath without requiring significant downtime.
  • CO2 Fractional Laser – CO2 Fractional Laser is a light-based treatment used on the skin’s surface. The laser removes layers of skin tissue in columns or a fractionated pattern and resurfaces the upper layer of the dermis. This treatment reduces discoloration (including sun damage and age spots) while smoothing and tightening the skin.

5. What is recovery like after sun damage treatments?

The recovery time following sun damage treatments varies depending on the type of treatment used. Patients can expect to recover from their sun damage treatment in a few days to a week. Following treatment, patients can expect to have the appearance and sensation of a mild sunburn, as well as minor flaking or peeling of the skin. These post-treatment side effects are very common and should go away on their own after a few days. It is critical that you follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

6. When will I see the results?

Patients will not see immediate results from sun damage treatments as most treatments promote new skin growth and renewal. The type of treatment, the area treated, and the number of treatments completed will all have an impact on the outcome. Patients are advised to have at least 3-5 treatments spaced a few weeks apart in order to achieve the best results.

7. What are the risks of sun damage treatments?

Treatments for sun damage are relatively safe, but with any cosmetic treatments, there are potential risks. Some of the risks and side effects include, but are not limited to:

  • Hypo and/or hyper pigmentation
  • Infection and/or scarring
  • Blistering
  • Scabbing

8. How much do sun damage treatments cost in Canada?

The cost of sun damage treatments varies from patient to patient depending on the type of treatment chosen and the number of sessions needed. In Canada, the average cost of sun damage treatment ranges from $750 to $3,000.