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  • Standard Recovery Time:
    7 - 10 days
  • Average Cost:
    $150 - $1,250/session
  • Anesthesia Required:
  • Monthly Payments Starting From:
Picoway Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About PicoWay

PicoWay is a laser technology utilizing ultra-short picosecond pulses for tattoo removal, addressing skin pigmentation issues, and improving skin texture. Known for its efficiency, it breaks down tattoo pigments and targets pigmentation concerns like age spots. PicoWay’s quick pulses minimize discomfort and make it effective in skin rejuvenation and scar improvement, with the number of sessions tailored to individual treatment goals.

Commonly asked questions about PicoWay

1. What is PicoWay?

PicoWay is an advanced laser technology designed for dermatological procedures such as tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation. It uses ultra-short picosecond laser pulses to target and eliminate pigment particles in the skin.

2. Am I a good candidate for a PicoWay?

PicoWay is an advanced laser technology employing ultra-short picosecond pulses for diverse dermatological applications. Notably, it excels in tattoo removal by breaking down pigments efficiently. Beyond tattoos, PicoWay addresses pigmentation concerns like age spots and contributes to skin rejuvenation. The ultra-short pulses minimize discomfort and enhance precision, making it a versatile solution for various skin conditions. Its applications also extend to scar improvement, showcasing effectiveness in promoting collagen production and skin remodelling. PicoWay is recognized for its quick, targeted approach and is often sought after for its ability to provide significant results with fewer sessions compared to traditional laser treatments.

3. What areas can be treated with PicoWay?

PicoWay laser technology is versatile and can be applied to various areas of the body for different dermatological concerns. Common treatment areas include:

  • Tattoo Removal: PicoWay is effective for tattoo removal on different body parts.
  • Face: It can target pigmentation issues, such as age spots and freckles, and contribute to overall skin rejuvenation.
  • Hands: PicoWay can address signs of aging, and pigmentation, and improve skin texture on the hands.
  • Legs: It is utilized to treat pigmentation concerns or improve skin texture on the legs.
  • Other Body Areas: PicoWay can be employed on various body areas based on specific skin concerns and treatment goals.

The versatility of PicoWay makes it suitable for addressing a range of dermatological issues on different parts of the body. The specific treatment plan will depend on individual needs and the desired outcomes.

4. How is PicoWay performed?

The treatment steps for PicoWay laser therapy typically include:

Step One – Consultation: A consultation with a qualified healthcare provider to assess skin concerns, discuss treatment goals, and determine the suitability of PicoWay.

Step Two – Preparation: The treatment area is cleaned, and a topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort.

Step Three – Laser Application: The PicoWay laser is applied to the targeted area, delivering ultra-short picosecond pulses to break down pigments or stimulate skin rejuvenation. Patients may experience a mild stinging or warming sensation during the procedure, but discomfort is minimized due to the ultra-short pulses.

Step Four – Post-Treatment Care: After the session, the treated area may be red and swollen, and patients are provided with post-treatment care instructions, including skincare recommendations. Multiple sessions may be recommended based on the specific treatment goals. These sessions are usually spaced several weeks apart.

Each treatment step is tailored to the individual’s needs, and the specific process may vary based on the dermatological concern being addressed.

5. How long does a PicoWay take?

The duration of a PicoWay laser treatment session can vary based on factors such as the size of the treated area, the specific concern being addressed, and the individual’s treatment goals. In general, PicoWay treatments are known for their efficiency and shorter durations compared to traditional laser treatments. Sessions typically range from a few minutes to around half an hour.

6. What is recovery like after PicoWay?

PicoWay laser treatment offers swift recovery with minimal downtime. Immediate post-treatment, mild redness and swelling are common, resolving within hours to days. The ultra-short picosecond pulses minimize discomfort, allowing patients to resume regular activities promptly. Post-treatment care involves gentle skincare and sun protection. Makeup or concealers can often be applied soon after the session. Multiple sessions, typically spaced weeks apart, may be recommended for optimal results.

7. How soon will I see the results?

Results from PicoWay laser treatment may vary depending on the specific skin concern being addressed. While some improvements may be visible shortly after the initial session, optimal results often develop progressively over time. Generally, patients can expect to see noticeable changes in the weeks following treatment as the body naturally processes the targeted pigments or responds to skin rejuvenation.

8. How long do results last?

The duration of results from PicoWay laser treatment varies depending on factors such as the specific skin concern addressed, individual skin characteristics, and lifestyle factors. While PicoWay is known for providing long-lasting benefits, it does not stop the natural aging process or prevent new skin concerns from developing. On average, results from PicoWay treatments can last for several months to years.

9. How much does PicoWay cost in Canada?

The cost of PicoWay laser treatment in Canada can vary based on several factors, including the specific clinic, the reputation of the healthcare provider, the size of the treated area, and the number of sessions required. On average, prices per session can range from $150 to $1,250.

10. What are the risks of PicoWay?

While PicoWay laser treatment is generally considered safe and effective, there are potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure. It’s essential to discuss these with a qualified healthcare provider before undergoing treatment. Some potential risks include:

  • Temporary Redness and Swelling: Mild redness and swelling at the treatment site are common but typically temporary.
  • Pigment Changes: In some cases, alterations in pigmentation may occur, including hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening).
  • Risk of Infection: Although rare, there is a minimal risk of infection, emphasizing the importance of proper post-treatment care.
  • Scarring: While uncommon, scarring may occur, particularly if post-treatment care instructions are not followed.
  • Bruising or Bleeding: Some individuals may experience minor bruising or bleeding at the treatment site.

It’s crucial to follow post-treatment care instructions, including sun protection, and promptly report any unusual or concerning symptoms to the healthcare provider.

11. Is PicoWay worth it?

8/8 people who have undergone PicoWay treatments have rated the procedure as “Worth It” (100%).