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Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

  • Standard Recovery Time:
    3-5 days
  • Average Cost:
  • Anesthesia Required:
Non-surgical Labiaplasty Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

Non-surgical labiaplasty is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to address the effects of natural life events, including aging, childbirth, menopause, and weight fluctuations, on vaginal tissues. These events can lead to issues such as enlarged or sagging labia, causing discomfort during sexual intercourse, exercise-related irritation, or self-consciousness when wearing tight clothing. When these concerns significantly impact a woman’s quality of life and overall well-being, non-surgical labiaplasty offers a viable solution. This rejuvenating technique combines natural growth factor injections, dermal fillers, and radiofrequency technology to enhance the labia’s appearance and boost the patient’s self-confidence.

Commonly asked questions about Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

1. What is non-surgical labiaplasty?

Non-surgical labiaplasty is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to address concerns related to the appearance and comfort of the labia without the need for surgery. This treatment aims to reverse the effects of various factors such as aging, childbirth, menopause, and weight fluctuations on vaginal tissues.

2. Am I a good candidate for non-surgical labiaplasty?

If an individual is concerned about the appearance of their vaginal area, which may include issues such as asymmetry, loose, or enlarged labia, or discomfort during physical activities and sexual relations, non-surgical labiaplasty can offer a suitable solution that enhances both physical comfort and confidence.

3. What are the different types of non-surgical labiaplasty treatments?

Non-surgical labiaplasty encompasses various techniques, including:


  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers: These stimulate natural collagen production and maintain skin moisture. Dermal fillers, which contain HA, can be used to restore volume in the labia for cosmetic gynecological procedures.


  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP contains collagen, fibrin, elastin, and growth factors from the individual’s blood sample. After numbing the treatment area, PRP is injected into the labia to stimulate collagen production and promote healthier vaginal tissues.


  • Radiofrequency Labiaplasty: This technique primarily aims to boost the natural collagen and elastin production in the skin. Radiofrequency technology effectively stimulates fibroblasts, allowing the body to naturally tighten and contract the tissue in the labial area. Furthermore, the results can continue to improve over several months as collagen and elastin production increases.


The choice of method depends on factors such as the individual’s comfort with surgery, expected outcomes, and natural healing abilities.

4. How long does a non-surgical labiaplasty procedure take?

Non-surgical labiaplasty is typically faster than surgical options. Depending on the equipment and desired results, a treatment can take less than an hour.

5. What is recovery like after non-surgical labiaplasty?

Recovery typically spans 3 to 5 days, with most patients returning to work within the week. During the initial days, expect some bruising, swelling, and possible asymmetry during healing. Pain can be managed with oral medication and topical anesthetics. Avoid prolonged standing, use ice packs to reduce swelling, and understand that the recovery process varies from person to person.

6. How soon will I see results?

Results are often visible within a few weeks, as mucous membranes like the labia tend to heal well with minimal visible scarring. However, complete resolution of swelling in sensitive mucous membranes may take 6-8 months.

7. How long do results last?

Non-surgical labiaplasty results are considered to be long-lasting.

8. How much does non-surgical labiaplasty cost in Canada?

The cost of non-surgical labiaplasty depends on several factors, such as the chosen treatment and its complexity, the physician’s experience, and the geographical location. In Canada, the cost of non-surgical labiaplasty can vary based on the specific treatment selected.

9. What are the risks of non-surgical labiaplasty?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks and side effects. Although rare, there is a minor risk of bleeding, infection, and wound dehiscence after the procedure.

10. Is non-surgical labiaplasty worth it?

104/110 people who have undergone a non-surgical labiaplasty treatment have rated the procedure as “Worth It” (95%).

11. Can I finance a non-surgical labiaplasty?

Yes, you can finance a non-surgical labiaplasty through a monthly payment plan offered by Beautifi.

Financing with Beautifi allows you to spread the cost over a period of time that suits your budget. This makes a non-surgical labiaplasty more affordable by breaking down the expense into a manageable monthly payment plan. Click ‘Get Pre-Approved’ to learn more about our financing options!