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Acne & Acne Scar Treatment

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Acne treatment Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Acne & Acne Scar Treatment

Acne is a common skin concern affecting men and women of all ages. Acne is the result of excess production of sebum, an oil naturally created by the body to moisturize and protect the skin. The overproduction of sebum, mixed with dirt and dead skin cells, can lead to blocked pores, resulting in acne. Acne can leave both emotional and physical scars on an individual. When damage from acne occurs, this is known as “acne scarring.” Acne scarring can leave damage on the surface, such as pitting or indenting the skin, or flat, discolored scars. Individuals afflicted with active acne combined with acne scars may find solutions in the treatments and combinations available.

Commonly asked questions about Acne & Acne Scar Treatment

Before undertaking any procedure, you will want to be confident in your knowledge. Find the details on Acne & Acne Scar Treatment here.

1. What is acne and acne scar treatment?

Acne and acne scarring commonly appears on the face, but can also appear on the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and buttocks. All types and areas – including any scarring that remains – can be treated with a combination of therapy best suited for the type of acne and scarring present. A combination approach may include a mix of prescriptions, therapeutic skin products, chemical peels, or laser therapy. Acne and acne scar treatments can not only alleviate acne and improve the skin by encouraging healthy skin cells to grow while replacing the scar tissue, but treatments can restore self-image and self-esteem.

2. Am I a good candidate for acne and acne scar treatment?

Candidates for acne and acne scar treatments are designed for men and women suffering from acne and residual scarring. Treatments do not completely remove all acne scars. Acne and acne scar treatments are ideal for healthy individuals who want to reduce acne and/ or minimize pain from acne scarring while also maintaining realistic expectations. It is critical to discuss with your health care provider whether acne/ acne scarring treatments are right for you and which treatment would best serve your desired goals.

3. What are the common treatments for acne and acne scars?

Acne and acne scars can be treated using a variety and combination of methods, including laser treatments, therapeutic skin care products, and dermal injections among other treatments. Some acne and acne scar treatments include, but are not limited to:

  • Laser Toning – Laser toning uses a gentle laser to reach deep into the skin and break up the pigments, leaving patients with a brighter and clearer complexion.
  • Macroneedling – Macro- and micro- needling solutions uses a powerful radiofrequency device that delivers a refined acne scar treatment, as well as a natural method of reducing acne. This treatment is ideal for reducing pore size and oily skin, and due to its ability to reach deep layers of the skin, macroneedling can be combined with other treatments, such as serums or topical treatments for optimal results.
  • Skin Resurfacing – Skin resurfacing technologies such as Fraxel, Profractional, and Halo, stimulates the body’s natural healing process and allows for collagen production. Collagen is responsible for volume in the skin, while also providing a more youthful look. Skin resurfacing will aid in improving the texture and tone of the skin, and minimize acne scars pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • NanoLaserPeel – NanoLaserPeel uses light energy to safely remove layers of skin, revealing new, younger looking skin and triggers the body’s regeneration process. The laser activates a special messenger protein in the skin that communicates with deeper layer tissues. This will help to restore the skin to a more luminous appearance, and help skin conditions such as acne scarring, enlarged pores, and fine lines & wrinkles.

4. What is recovery like after acne & acne scar treatments?

Depending on your acne and acne scar treatment, most patients with moderate acne/ acne scars can resume regular activities in a few days. After treatment the skin may look red and have some swelling and/ or bruising, but this will generally subside. Those with severe acne scarring may need an additional few days of recovery to resume normal activities. It is critical that you follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

5. When will I see results?

Results after acne and acne scar treatment are not immediate. Depending on the severity of the acne and scarring, visible results may take a few months as it takes time for your skin to respond to treatments. Results will also greatly depend on the type and number of treatments undertaken.

6. What are the risks of acne & acne scar treatment?

Treatments for acne and acne scars are relatively safe, but with any cosmetic treatment there are potential risks. Some of the risks and side effects include, but are not limited to:

  • Mild to moderate degree of redness/ swelling
  • Discoloration
  • Several days of swelling/ bruising
  • Pain at the site of treatment

7. How much does acne & acne scar treatment cost in Canada?

The cost of acne and acne scarring treatments varies depending on the patient and several factors including, the number of scars treated, size of the area being treated, the type of treatment, and the number of treatments needed. The average cost of acne and acne scar treatments ranges from $200 to $3,400.