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How to Get Rid of Submental Fat

Woman delicately holding her hands to her face and neck

Do you ever feel insecure about your double chin? Submental fat is common and there are many treatment options to reduce its appearance. Find out more here:

While submental fat is a very normal issue, it can leave you feeling self-conscious about your chin area. There is a range of different treatments available to reduce its appearance, and these methods are nearly always quick and easy to recover from, allowing you to get on with life straight away. If you’re wondering what causes submental fat or have other questions on the subject, we’re here to answer them! Read on for further clarity on whether a submental fat injection is the ideal choice for you. 

Table of Contents

What is Submental Fat?

What Causes Submental Fat?

How to Prevent Submental Fat

How to Get Rid of Submental Fat at Home

How to Treat Submental Fat

Submental Fat Injections (Mesotherapy)

CoolMini Treatments

Liposculpture Treatments

How Can Beautifi Help?

What is Submental Fat?

Submental fat refers to fat buildup in the area under your chin. The fat cells that accumulate here can cause submental fullness, also known as a double chin. For some patients, this can be worrisome and cause mental stress. It’s especially frustrating as it can’t always be diminished by exercise and a healthy diet either, and it affects all genders and ages.

What Causes Submental Fat?

Often, submental fat is caused by a mix of different factors. These include getting older, genetics, and general weight gain. Sometimes, the buildup of fat cells will leave the patient looking more overweight than they actually are, as it’s harder to get rid of the accumulated fat cells through fitness regimes. 

How to Prevent Submental Fat

If you want to prevent a build-up, ensure that you’re living a healthy and active lifestyle. Though this condition can be hard to reduce, a daily and consistent routine can help prevent any increases in fat cells. 

Healthy habits to start embracing include partaking in daily exercise and eating well. Patients are reminded to eat approximately four servings of vegetables daily and three servings of fruit, all while avoiding refined grains as well as processed and fried foods. Instead, opt for healthy fats and lean protein, while practicing portion control. 

Once a good diet plan and exercise regime are in place, you’ll often notice a change in your body. Not only will you appear generally healthier, but your facial area will often slimmer, too. Remember to make healthy choices every day to prevent any submental fat increases in the future. 

How to Get Rid of Submental Fat at Home

If you’ve noticed that you have a large amount of submental fat or a noticeable double chin, you may want to try and reduce its appearance. Before you opt for cosmetic procedures, there are several at-home actions you can take towards resolving f this unwanted issue.

Popular exercises that target submental fat focus on toning the muscles and skin in your chin area. It’s recommended that you repeat these exercises between 10 to 15 times a day. Common options include the straight jaw jut, ball exercises, the pucker-up exercise, neck stretches, and the bottom jaw jut. It’s important to note that these exercises need to be done regularly for you to see any significant changes. It’s best that you pair these specific exercises with a healthy diet (as mentioned earlier) and a consistent fitness routine for the best results. 

How to Treat Submental Fat

If at-home treatments don’t seem to be decreasing your submental fat, there are alternative options that may help. These methods are commonly used for double chins that are caused by genetics and aging, as weight loss methods don’t always help with submental fat. 

Submental Fat Injections (Mesotherapy)

A submental fat injection is one such popular way to decrease the double chin appearance quickly with a non-invasive method. This is also known as Mesotherapy, and the BELKYRA injection, in particular, is a well-regarded, widely used option. 

Mesotherapy is a process that uses synthetic deoxycholic acid to break down the membranes of fat cells, and it also encourages absorption. If you want to avoid surgery and long recovery times, this is a great option to discuss with a dermatologist or healthcare provider. Potential patients must note that it can take approximately 20 submental fat injections or more to ensure optimal results, but those results are well worth it!

Potential side effects of submental fat injections include:

  • Swelling, pain, or bruising at the injection site.
  • Redness around the chin area.
  • Slight pain or tenderness.
  • Numbness.

While there are some potential side effects, these are uncommon. If they do occur, they will only be present for a short period of time. Mesotherapy remains one the most popular methods of removing submental fat, and patients often experience an increase in self-confidence with the results! 

CoolMini Treatments

Alternatively, you can use the CoolMini process to free the fat away from your chin area. CoolMini is part of the popular CoolSculpting process, but this smaller-scale treatment is optimized to target minor deposits of fat, making it an ideal fit for this scenario. Similar to submental fat injection, CoolMini is non-invasive and doesn’t include any anesthesia, pain, or needles. Once your treatment is complete, you’re free to go out and enjoy your day. The only downside of the CoolMini option is that recipients will need more than one session to see reductions, though this is also the case with injection alternatives. 

Liposculpture Treatments

Another way to tackle your double chin is with lipolysis. This process is otherwise referred to as liposculpture, and it involves using a laser to melt submental fat away. It can also contour the skin, leaving you looking more youthful and toned. Lipolysis often requires a local anesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the procedure. Some minor side effects of this treatment include swelling, pain, and/or bruising, but these are uncommon and subside quickly afterward. 

How Can Beautifi Help?

We hope you’ve learned more about submental fat causes and how to reduce them in this article. If you’re ready to achieve a new level of self-confidence and to get rid of old insecurities, explore our financing options today. We’re here to help you feel great! Otherwise, contact our team at Beautifi for further assistance.