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Buccal Fat Removal: The Latest Beauty Craze To Watch

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has gained popularity in recent years. Many people are turning to this procedure to enhance their facial features and achieve a more sculpted look. But, what is it? Buccal fat removal is exactly what it says on the label: the removal of fat from the buccal fat pad, a mass of tissue located deep within the cheek.

The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, and the surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth to access the buccal fat pads. The fat is carefully removed, and the incision is closed with dissolvable stitches.

While a rounder face can be a desirable trait for some, others seek to slim down their appearance with buccal fat removal. However, this procedure is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some opt to undergo this procedure to simply highlight their cheekbones and achieve a sculpted, defined look.

Table of Contents

Why Buccal Fat Removal is the Newest Trend in Cosmetic Surgery

The Influence of Celebrities and Social Media on the Uprise of Buccal Fat Removal

The Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

The Risks of Buccal Fat Removal

Alternatives to Buccal Fat Removal

How Beautifi Can Help

The Bottom Line

Why Buccal Fat Removal is the Newest Trend in Cosmetic Surgery

Over the past few months, buccal fat removal has become a hot-button topic on social media after several celebrities were rumored to have had the procedure, which sparked both supporters and detractors to share their views and experiences on Instagram and Tiktok.

The hashtag #buccalfatremoval has over 109 million views on Tiktok, and plastic surgeons worldwide have weighed in on the procedure, explaining the benefits and their suspicions about which celebrities have gone under the knife.

Buccal fat removal offers patients a way to contour their face by removing excess fat from the cheeks and is ideal for individuals who want a slimmer, more defined facial appearance.

The Influence of Celebrities and Social Media on the Uprise of Buccal Fat Removal

A couple of factors have stimulated the popularity of buccal fat removal, with social media playing a significant role in promoting the procedure. With the rise of platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, influencers and celebrities have been sharing their experiences with the procedure, showcasing their before-and-after results, and generating increased interest and demand for the procedure.

“Selfie culture” has also contributed to the popularity of buccal fat removal – now more than ever, people are more aware of their facial features and are looking for ways to enhance their appearance, particularly when it comes to the cheeks and jawline. Buccal fat removal provides a relatively quick and easy solution to achieve a more sculpted and defined facial appearance, which is appealing to many people.

Chrissy Teigen, a well-known model, TV personality, and wife to John Legend, recently opened up about her decision to get buccal fat removal on her Instagram stories. “I did that Dr. Diamond buccal fat removal thing here.” She explained, pointing to her cheek. “And since I quit drinking, I’m really seeing the results, and I like it. Yeah, I did it, what?”

Teigen went on to say that she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with enhancing one’s appearance if it makes them feel good. Her candidness has played a significant role in reducing the stigma surrounding cosmetic procedures and has motivated more individuals to pursue buccal fat removal to attain their desired look.

The Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

There are several benefits to buccal fat removal. Not only can buccal fat removal help to slim down the cheeks, but it is also a relatively quick and easy procedure that can be done in an outpatient setting. Dr. Frank Lista, from the Plastic Surgery Clinic in Toronto, weighed in on the benefits of the procedure. “Buccal fat removal is a nice option for patients looking to create a more contoured v-shape look to the face. We typically reserve this operation for those with large buccal fat pads. It can help to accentuate both the cheeks and the jaw line.”

Some potential benefits of the procedure include the following:

Improved facial symmetry: Buccal fat removal can help balance the proportions of the face and create a more symmetrical appearance.

Slimmer facial appearance: Removing excess fat from the cheeks can help create a slimmer and more defined jawline and cheekbones.

Boost in self-confidence: For some people, buccal fat removal can boost self-confidence by helping them feel more comfortable and confident in their appearance.

It is important to note that the benefits of buccal fat removal may vary depending on the individual patient and their goals for the procedure. Therefore, patients should have a consultation with a qualified and experienced surgeon to discuss their specific concerns and determine if buccal fat removal is right for them.

The Risks of Buccal Fat Removal

While some surgeons are supportive of buccal fat removal as a safe and effective way to enhance the appearance of the cheeks and jawline, others are more cautious. Some surgeons believe that the procedure should only be done on patients who are good candidates and have realistic expectations.

Like any surgical procedure, buccal fat removal does come with some risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, and nerve damage. Dr. Frank Lista, from The Plastic Surgery Clinic, stated that “there are risks associated with any cosmetic procedure and these should be carefully discussed with your plastic surgeon. From a purely aesthetic perspective one thing we often see when buccal fat removal “goes wrong” is over excision of the buccal fat pad which can prematurely age a patient. As we age, we lose fat in the face, removing too much fat can speed this process up.”

It is essential to discuss these risks with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure and follow all pre-and post-operative instructions to minimize the risk of complications.

It is crucial for patients to do their research and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can assess their suitability for the procedure, discuss the risks and benefits, and provide realistic expectations. Ultimately, the decision to undergo buccal fat removal should be made after careful consideration and discussion with a trusted healthcare professional.

Alternatives to Buccal Fat Removal

For those who are hesitant to undergo surgery, non-surgical alternatives can deliver comparable results. Injectable fillers and radiofrequency facials are among the options available. Dermal fillers can contour and sculpt the face by enhancing cheekbones and reducing the appearance of chubby cheeks. Meanwhile, radiofrequency facials penetrate deep into the skin layers to enhance skin elasticity and promote collagen production.

Dr. Lista suggests that combining non-surgical treatments can help achieve a sculpted look.

“It depends on your goal and of course your anatomy but we can often achieve beautiful results by combining different non-surgical modalities. One of my favourite combinations is the Forma Facial (radiofrequency technology) to tighten the skin paired with a firm filler in the cheeks and jaw line. This will create that nice, chiseled bone structure without having to remove any fat in the face.”

How Beautifi Can Help

One way to ensure you have a trusted and qualified surgeon to perform your buccal fat removal procedure is through Beautifi. Beautifi connects patients with qualified surgeons who specialize in various cosmetic procedures, including buccal fat removal. By using Beautifi, you can find a surgeon who is experienced, qualified, and has a track record of successful surgeries. This ensures that you are in good hands and that the procedure will be carried out safely and effectively.

In addition to finding the best plastic surgeon for your procedure, Beautifi offers affordable and flexible plastic surgery financing options and payment plans for plastic surgery that make it easier to pay for the surgery over time. With Beautifi, you can rest assure that you are getting the best possible care and that the cost of the procedure will not be a barrier to achieving your aesthetic goals.

The Bottom Line

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure that has gained significant popularity due to its ability to create a slimmer and more defined facial appearance. Whether or not you decide to pursue buccal fat removal, it’s important to do your research on the procedure to make an informed decision.

You can find detailed information and frequently asked questions about buccal fat removal on Beautifi, as well as other reputable sources such as medical websites, news outlets, and consultations with qualified surgeons.

The procedure can be an excellent option for individuals seeking to improve their facial symmetry and boost their self-confidence. While there are potential risks and complications involved, patients can mitigate these risks by carefully choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon maintaining realistic expectations.