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Varicose Vein Treatment

  • Standard Recovery Time:
  • Average Cost:
    $350 - $5,000
  • Anesthesia Required:
  • Monthly Payments Starting From:
Varicose Vein Treatment Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-colored. They are commonly found on the thighs, calves, or the inside of the leg and can cause pain, itching, the feeling of heavy legs, and throbbing. Varicose vein treatment alleviates these unpleasant symptoms while also improving the cosmetic appearance.

Commonly asked questions about Varicose Vein Treatment

1. What is varicose vein treatment?

Varicose vein treatment removes the veins for cosmetic reasons as well as to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the veins. Varicose veins can develop for a variety of reasons, including weakened blood vessel valves, pregnancy, advanced age, and weight fluctuations. Patients can get rid of varicose veins using minimally invasive techniques and surgery, resulting in an overall better appearance of the treated area.

2. Am I a good candidate for varicose vein treatment?

Candidates for varicose vein treatment are healthy individuals who have a cosmetic concern or who experience pain or discomfort in their varicose veins. Ideal candidates are typically nonsmokers, not currently pregnant or breastfeeding, and have realistic expectations & a positive outlook.

3. What are the different varicose vein treatments?

There are a few treatment options for varicose veins. Among the treatments available are, but not limited to:

Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective varicose vein treatment. During the treatment, a solution will be injected into each of the affected veins, gradually causing them to collapse and fade away. The vein is reabsorbed by the body and is no longer visible through the skin.

Laser Treatment (Endovenous Laser Treatment) – Laser treatment on varicose veins safely obliterates the vein by delivering bursts of high-intensity light, closing the vein, and causing it to fade away without harming the surrounding skin.

Surgery – If varicose veins are large, they may need to be surgically removed. This procedure is done under general anesthetic and involves two incisions. The first incision is made near the groin, at the top of the target vein, and the second is made further down the leg. The top of the vein will be tied up and sealed, and a thin, flexible thread is inserted through the bottom of the vein and pulled out, taking the vein with it.

4. How long does for varicose vein treatment take to perform?

Varicose vein treatments can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to over an hour, depending on the procedure, the number of veins that need to be removed, and the complexity of the treatment.

5. What is recovery like after varicose vein treatment?

Non-surgical varicose vein treatment causes minimal side effects and is typically very effective. After treatment, patients can expect some redness, bruising, or skin discoloration in the area treated. Swelling, along with discomfort, may also occur but should subside after several days. It is often recommended to wear compression bandages or stockings to enhance healing and help prevent & delay recurrence. Most patients can return to their typical daily routine within a few days, but it is recommended to refrain from strenuous activities or prolonged periods of sitting or standing, for a least a week.

For varicose vein’s requiring surgery, patients typically require one to three weeks to recover, and compression stockings are worn during this time. After treatment, moderate bruising and pain occur, but generally subside after a few weeks.

6. How soon will I see results?

Varicose vein treatment results vary from patient to patient. Patients typically notice a gradual visual improvement after two to three weeks, and once the veins are completely healed, patients notice an improvement in the overall appearance of the treated area. Your preferred physician may recommend follow-up treatments spaced a few weeks apart for optimal results.

7. How long will results from varicose vein treatment last?

Varicose vein treatments are highly effective in removing unwanted veins and relieving associated pain symptoms; however, there is a chance that varicose veins will reoccur.

8. How much does varicose vein treatment cost in Canada?

The cost of varicose vein treatment depends on each individual’s specific needs, conditions, the number of treatments, and the method required to achieve the desired result. In Canada, the cost of varicose vein treatment ranges from $350 to $5,000 per treatment.

9. What are the risks of varicose vein treatment?

Although rare, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks and side effects including:

  • Scarring
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Nerve damage
  • Skin discoloration

10. Is varicose vein treatment worth it?

45/55 people who have undergone sclerotherapy have rated the procedure “Worth It” (82%)