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Watch Out For These 2023 Cosmetic Surgery Trends

Plastic Surgeon in surgery

It’s never too late to reinvent your look. 

Although lifestyle choices play a significant role in making you feel like you’re making a fresh start, cosmetic surgery might provide the boost you need to reach all your aesthetic goals.

In recent years, Canada’s most popular cosmetic surgery procedures have included face lifts, neck lifts, botox, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and hair transplants. 

Did they retain their spots as some of the most popular procedures for the 2023 cosmetic surgery trends? Beautifi explores the various cosmetic surgery procedures that patients are interested in this year, along with efficient ways to secure cosmetic surgery financing in Canada

Table of Contents

What are the 2023 Cosmetic Surgery Trends?

Why are People Increasingly Interested in Cosmetic Surgery?

How Do You Get Financing For Cosmetic Procedures?

Step Into Your Confidence With Beautifi

What are the 2023 Cosmetic Surgery Trends?

Beauty standards are subjective, and they evolve over time. So, it’s completely understandable why cosmetic procedures that were popular just five years ago might differ from the most in-demand procedures today. 

For example, rhinoplasty was once the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure. It still is a popular option. However, as nose contouring becomes a standard part of people’s makeup routine, people think twice about spending on rhinoplasty. 

Another example is the increasing popularity of the toned yet curvy body type, which has increased brachioplasty (arm lift), abdominal etchingtummy tuck, and butt lift procedures in recent years.

It’s also worth noting that despite beauty standards and cosmetic trends, people are now more interested in procedures that make them feel comfortable and happy with their bodies rather than procedures that make them “fit in” with the standards.

That said, let’s look at 2023 cosmetic surgery trends in Canada.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Canada and worldwide. In fact, breast augmentation procedures increased by 48% globally. The reasons for this popularity include the following:

● Correcting breast asymmetry

● Matching weight loss or gain

● Restoring breast shape after pregnancy

● Reconstructing breast shape after a mastectomy

Many people schedule an appointment for breast augmentation to either restore the original appearance of their breasts or achieve their aesthetic aspirations. As such, plastic surgeons take a different approach to each case, depending on the patient’s preferred breast size and volume. 


Many people gained weight throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms temporarily closed, so it’s understandable why there was an increase in physical inactivity. Apart from activity levels, daily routines, and sleep habits were also affected by the pandemic, so it’s no surprise that these changes reflected undesired weight gain for many.

As the world gets reacquainted with the pre-pandemic normal, more people are considering having liposuction surgery to remove excess fat and regain their toned bodies.

However, keep in mind that liposuction is only recommended for those already within 30% of their ideal body weight. Skin firmness and muscle tone are also major factors to consider.

Face Lift

As facelift techniques and technology continue to evolve, it comes as no surprise that cosmetic surgeons will continue to provide facelift services for patients who wish to reverse signs of aging and regain a more youthful appearance.

Some patients may opt for a complete facelift for optimal results. Others might choose mini facelifts to address loose skin on the neck and jowls.

On a related note, facelifts can be done independently but may be scheduled alongside other associated procedures, such as a neck lift.


Botox is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures this year, which isn’t surprising, considering the 845% increase in Botox injections worldwide. This is also because people are increasingly interested in minimally invasive natural enhancements.

This year, people who get Botox treatments want results that look as natural as possible. So while many patients would still opt for traditional Botox injections, others might want to explore natural alternatives, such as using the body’s collagen and elastin content for fillers that rejuvenate and revitalize their appearance.


For the longest time, hair transplant has been the most popular cosmetic procedure for Canadian men. It remains popular among those with bald or thinning heads. However, expect another trend to take center stage this year — gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia is the surgical reduction of breast tissue for men who want a leaner, more toned appearance.

Why are People Increasingly Interested in Cosmetic Surgery?

Here are some of the most relevant reasons for scheduling cosmetic procedures:

People Want Better Health and Wellness

Self-care ranges from skincare routines to gym memberships to vacations and holidays. It also includes many other options that improve your health and well-being — cosmetic enhancements are one of them. For example, rhinoplasty can address breathing difficulties and get your desired nose shape. Meanwhile, breast-related plastic surgery can eliminate tumors and simultaneously give you a chance to reshape your breasts.

People Want to Feel Confident and Empowered

When you meet your aesthetic aspirations, you get a boost of confidence and self-esteem. You feel good about yourself, and it shows in your self-carriage. When you’re confident in your appearance, you feel empowered to go for what you want- and live to the fullest. 

Overall, this affects your approach to everyday life, including your personal and professional lives. So you feel happier and more fulfilled in the long run.

People Trust in the Latest Medical Technology

Some people have wanted to book an appointment for cosmetic procedures for the longest time. Some are interested in Botox treatment for wrinkles and fine lines; some are researching liposuction and tummy tuck options; others want to regain their confidence through a hair transplant. The advancement of cosmetic surgery technology has resulted in more accessible and less risky procedures people trust.

How Do You Get Financing For Cosmetic Procedures?

The great thing about cosmetic procedures today is that they are more accessible- through easy financing. 

Once a cosmetic surgeon determines that you’re a good fit for the procedure you want, your next step is finding plastic surgeons that offer financing and researching options for a plastic surgery loan.

Whether you’re seeking breast implant financing in Canadafinancing liposuctionfinancing a nose job, or securing finance for tummy tuck and other cosmetic surgery financing in Canada– you just have to do some research. 

A good provider will help you explore your payment methods, determine how you want to pay for your procedure, and find suitable cosmetic surgery loan options for you.

At Beautifi, we help you decide on a well-suited payment plan for cosmetic surgery and find the most suitable plastic surgery loans in Canada based on your requirements.

Step Into Your Confidence With Beautifi

Beautifi aims to make cosmetic procedures more accessible and affordable so that you can reach your aesthetic goals and achieve the confidence you deserve. For this reason, we provide the most flexible way to finance cosmetic surgeries.

Let us know what type of cosmetic surgery you’re interested in; then, we’ll find the most suitable payment plans for plastic surgery based on your preferences.

We’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of plastic surgery financing in Canada, then lay out your best cosmetic surgery financing options — with Beautifi, you can secure more than $25,000 worth of funding without a down payment.

Apart from calculating the plastic surgery cost and securing plastic surgery financing on your behalf, we can look for a cosmetic surgeon whose specialty aligns with your needs. We have a network of reputable surgeons who can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us to discover how it works, and start your online application process now!