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    Topical anesthetic
Sculptra Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Sculptra

Sculptra is a long-lasting dermal filler that works differently than traditional hyaluronic acid (HA) and other fillers. The active ingredient in Sculptra, poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), is a stimulatory filler that works with the body to stimulate collagen production and produce the elements needed to replace lost volume and tighten weakened areas, giving the skin a smoother, more supple, and youthful appearance

Commonly asked questions about Sculptra

1. What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a cosmetic procedure that helps to stimulate your natural collagen production, tighten the skin, and replace lost volume using an injectable dermal filler. The filler is made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic form of lactic acid that stimulates the body to produce collagen and elastin while forming new fibrous support structures beneath the skin’s surface. Sculptra is an effective treatment for individuals who want to rejuvenate their skin and restore facial skin structure rather than targeting specific volume loss.

2. Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

Sculptra is most commonly used to improve the appearance of the skin, especially for moderate to deep facial folds and sunken areas. It is also effective in softening fine lines and wrinkles. Sculptra is clinically approved for treating several areas of the face, including:

  • Cheek wrinkles
  • Deep folds between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds), also known as “smile lines”
  • Lines framing the mouth (marionette lines)
  • Chin wrinkles

3. How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra works a bit differently than traditional hyaluronic acid (HA) based and other fillers. Sculptra doesn’t fill in lost volume the way that traditional fillers do, instead it acts as a stimulatory filler, which restores the connective structures beneath the skin’s surface, resulting in a smoother and softer complexion. In other words, Sculptra gets your body to produce the necessary elements that will fill out areas that have lost volume and tighten areas that have lost elasticity resulting in smoother, more supple, and younger looking skin.

4. How is Sculptra performed?

Sculptra is injected into the skin with a fine needle or cannula. A topical anesthetic may be used to alleviate any discomfort, as Sculptra must be injected into the deep layers of the skin beneath the surface in order to successfully stimulate collagen and elastin production in the body. Following the injections, the preferred provider will message the filler to ensure that it is evenly distributed and to reduce the risk of nodules or lumps forming.

5. How long does Sculptra take?

Sculptra injections can take anywhere from thirty to sixty minutes.

6. What is recovery like after Sculptra?

With Sculptra, there is no downtime. Most patients feel at ease returning to work or daily activities immediately following treatment. Minimal swelling or redness is expected, and typically heals within 24 to 48 hours after treatment. There may be additional bruising, discomfort, and tenderness for up to two weeks. For several days following treatment, patients should avoid direct and extensive sun exposure.

7. How soon will I see results?

The results of Sculptra are gradual and take time. Most patients do not see immediate improvements following treatment; results become visible 3 to 6 months after the initial appointment. Full treatment results will become apparent several week later following the third or final treatment session.  The result of Sculptra continues to improve in the weeks and months following the final treatment as the body builds a new collagen base and tissue structure.

8. How long do results last?

Sculptra typically last for two years, though some patients report longer-lasting effects. Three initial treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart with yearly maintenance treatments are recommended for optimal, longer-lasting results.

9. How much does Sculptra cost in Canada?

The cost of Sculptra is determined by a number of factors, including the number of vials used, the amount of enhancing or correction required, the number of treatment visits, and geographic location. In Canada, one Sculptra vial typically costs between $1,000 and $2,000.

10. Can I finance Sculptra?

Yes, you can finance Sculptra through a monthly payment plan with Beautifi!

Financing with Beautifi allows you to spread the cost over a period of time that suits your budget. This makes Sculptra more affordable by breaking down the expense into a manageable monthly payment plan. Contact Beautifi today to learn more about our financing options and how we can assist you with your aesthetic journey.

11. What are the risks of Sculptra?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks and side effects. Although rare, some risks include, but are not limited to:

  • Excessive swelling/ bruising
  • Skin discoloration
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Itching
  • Bumps or lumps underneath the skin

12. Is Sculptra worth it?

119/151 people who have undergone Sculptra have rated the procedure as “Worth It” (79%)

95% of patients reported improved skin glow 2 years after Sculptra treatment