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Dental Surgery

  • Standard Recovery Time:
    48 hours - 7 days
  • Average Cost:
    Varies on the procedure
  • Anesthesia Required:
Dental Surgery Financing in Canada from Beautifi

About Dental Surgery

Dental surgery, often known as surgery of the teeth, gums, and jaw bones, is any of several medical treatments that involve intentionally altering the dentition.

Commonly asked questions about Dental Surgery

Before undertaking any procedure, you will want to be confident in your knowledge. Find the details on Dental Surgery here.

1. What is dental surgery?

There are many types of dental surgery, but the most common procedures include:

Wisdom Tooth Extraction:

Your mouth’s four permanent adult teeth, known as wisdom teeth, are located in the top and bottom back corners of your mouth. A wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical operation to remove one or more of these teeth.

Dental Bone Grafting:

When bone deterioration in the jaw occurs, a dental bone graft is required. Before dental implants are placed or when nearby teeth are suffering from bone loss, this surgery is frequently carried out.

Gum Surgery:

If you have gum disease, your dentist may suggest one of the various types of gum surgery. The most frequent cause of gum disease is when too much plaque is produced due to excessive bacteria in your mouth; resulting in your body being unable to fight off the infection.

Most common gum surgeries include:

  • Pocket reduction (also known as gingival flap surgery): Your surgeon folds back the gums and eliminates bacteria during this surgery. The gum specialist, or periodontist, fixes the gum tissue to your teeth rather than letting it regrow naturally.


  • Regeneration: A bone graft, membrane, or tissue-stimulating protein (or any combination of the three) is inserted after a periodontist folds back the gums and removes disease-causing germs This is done to encourage the regeneration of your gum tissues and re-fit tightly around your teeth.


  • Crown lengthening: Your periodontist will perform this surgery to lengthen the appearance of your teeth by removing an excess of gum tissue. In addition to treating gum disease, this technique has cosmetic benefits as well.


  • Soft tissue graft: Your periodontist will perform this surgery to repair gum tissue that has receded or been lost due to gum disease by attaching sample tissue from another area of your mouth to your gums. This improves the appearance of the teeth and covers areas where the root is visible. This technique is frequently utilized for cosmetic reasons in addition to treating gum disease.

PRF (platelet rich fibrin): You can find and extract a component called PRF from your own blood. When it is taken out of the blood, it has a gelatinous consistency. It is perfectly biocompatible with your body because it is created entirely from your own cells. The PRF is applied directly to areas that require healing, such as cavitation left behind from an extracted tooth.

Tooth extractions: Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Those who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for their other teeth as they shift into place.

2. Why is dental surgery done?

Wisdom tooth extraction: You’ll probably need to have a wisdom tooth removed if it is impacted, or if it is causing you pain, an infection, or other dental issues.

Dental bone grafting: In addition to providing enough bone to support dental implants, dental bone grafts are performed to prevent the long-term health issues linked to tooth loss and gum disease.

Gum Surgery: You might need a gum graft to shield your teeth from the negative consequences of gum recession, or you might decide to get one to enhance your smile.  Gum diseases and illnesses including gingivitis and periodontitis are also treated with gum surgery. Gum surgery is the common name for this kind of procedure. The procedure aims to treat gum disease and any damage it may have caused have by regrowing damaged bones

Platelet rich fibrin: One of the ways PRF is utilized in dental surgery is to help deposit healthy new bone around implants if there is insufficient bone.

Teeth get weak or loose when there is bone resorption (destruction) around them. PRF generates new bone and thus, improves the health of your teeth. PRF can reduce the probing depths too.

Tooth extractions: Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding all may require tooth extraction as it can cause more issues down the line.

3. Am I a good candidate for dental surgery?

You may be a good candidate for dental surgery if you meet the following requirements:

  • Good oral health – healthy gums also mean you will heal more quickly than someone suffering from gum disease.
  • Good bone density – Your jawbone is also important in maintaining your facial structure, which is why dentists recommend you do not wait for an extended period of time to replace missing teeth.
  • Discipline – Oral surgery requires cutting into your gums, which will take months to heal. During that time, you will have to observe good oral hygiene and stay away from products like tobacco and alcohol, which slow down the healing process.

You may not be a candidate for dental surgery if you:

  • Smoke – Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products automatically make you a poor candidate for oral surgery because the products’ ingredients such as the various chemicals can be harmful to your gums and quite often cause damage.
  • Have diabetes – If you are a diabetic, you are not an ideal candidate for oral surgery procedures because it makes you more likely to have gum disease
  • Are undergoing radiation treatment – If you have undergone radiation, the chances of implant failure are significantly higher because the radiation causes damage to your jaw


4. How is dental surgery performed?

Wisdom tooth extraction:

Depending on the expected complexities of the wisdom teeth extraction and your level of comfort, your surgeon/dentist may use one of three types of anaesthetic.

Your dentist or oral surgeon will remove your wisdom tooth by performing the following procedures:

  • Making an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone.
  • Removing bone that is blocking access to the tooth root.
  • Splitting the tooth into sections if it is easier to remove in pieces.
  • Removing the tooth.
  • Cleaning the site of the removed tooth of any debris from the tooth or bone.
  • Closing the incision with stitches to aid in healing.
  • Applying gauze to the extraction site to stop bleeding and promote the formation of a blood clot.

Dental bone grafting:

Your dentist will first use local anaesthetic to numb the area.

  • They will make a little incision in your gums.
  • The jawbone is made visible by a small recession of the gum tissue.
  • Your dentist will first clean and sterilize the region, then add bone grafting material to fix the deficiency. Often, the bone graft will be covered with a membrane for added protection.
  • Lastly, the gum tissue will be realigned, and the incision will be stitched up.

Gum surgery:

Flap surgery:

  • To remove tartar buildup, the gums are lifted off the teeth during the procedure.
  • The surgeon will suture the gums into place to fit around the teeth after cleaning the area and removing any tartar. During this process, the bone may occasionally need to be reshaped.

Gum Regeneration:

  • A small piece of mesh-like material is inserted by a dental surgeon between a patient’s bone and gum tissue during this procedure. This will aid in stopping the gum from growing into the area where the bone should be and allow the bone and connective tissue to recover and regrow.

Soft Tissue:

Gum tissue loss results in gum line recession, which lowers the gum line. To prevent further damage, soft tissue grafting may be necessary.

  • A dental surgeon often performs this surgery by removing tissue from one place of the body and reattaching it to the location where the gum has receded.
  • The tissue frequently comes from the mouth’s roof.
  • Tissue grafting covers any exposed roots in addition to lowering the danger of additional injury.

Crown lengthening:

A periodontist, a dentist who focuses on gum health, removes extra gum tissue during a crown lengthening procedure. This treatment can also be done by some general dentists. In other cases, the dentist must additionally remove or remodel bone tissue to reveal more of the teeth.

5. How long does dental surgery take to complete?

The length of your dental surgery will greatly depend on the specific procedure you’re having done. The extent of the surgery and the occurrence of complications are two additional considerations.

For example: Tooth extractions can take between 20-40 minutes per tooth, whereas wisdom teeth extractions can take between 45-90 minutes.

6. What is recovery like after dental surgery?

Depending on the procedure, you can experience some pain, bleeding, or swelling after. After the procedure, the pain should gradually get better. Root canals, gum surgery, dental implants, and tooth extractions are all examples of dental surgery procedures. A few recovery strategies that are advised are:

  • Consume soft foods like pudding, gelatin, or thin soups. As you recover, gradually increase your intake of solid foods.
  • You can resume eating solid foods in about a week.
  • Do not drink from a straw for the first several days after having a tooth extracted. The blood clot that develops at the surgical site may be broken up by sucking through a straw. If this occurs, healing may be delayed.

Please consult your dentist for further, relevant recommendations for your post dental surgery recovery.

7. How long do the results last?

Teeth extractions, including wisdom teeth, gum surgery, and dental bone grafting results are permanent, but depending on the procedure there may be a need for revision surgery if complications arise or if the outcome is not what was expected.

8. How much does dental surgery cost in Canada?

The cost of dental surgery in Canada can vary significantly based on the complexity of the procedure, the region where the procedure is performed, and the individual dental practice. Given the high cost of dental and cosmetic dentistry procedures, many patients turn to cosmetic dentistry financing to help manage the costs. Specialized financing companies, like Beautifi, offer plans specifically designed for medical and dental procedures to make procedures more affordable for patients.

Wisdom teeth extractions: Approx. $160-$500+ per tooth

Tooth extraction: Approx. $200-$400 per tooth

Gum surgery: Approx. $600-$3,000 per area

Bone grafting: Approx. $400-$1070 per area

PRF: Approx. $400-$1,500


9. What are the risks of dental surgery?

As with any surgery, there are risks associated with dental surgery. The possible risks of dental surgery include:

  • Jaw soreness/swelling
  • Dry socket
  • Damage to teeth adjoining extraction site
  • Incomplete extraction of tooth
  • Tooth misalignment
  • Hole in sinus (from upper tooth extraction)
  • Fractured jaw
  • Infection